Woodhall Primary School & Nursery - a place of limitless possibilities

Outdoor Learning

At Woodhall, we pride ourselves on offering a highly ambitious, broad and stimulating curriculum, which is tailored to the specific needs of all our children. In addition, we believe that learning need not take place solely within the school buildings. Research, and our own experience, indicates that outdoor time often provides the most memorable learning experiences helping children make sense of the world around them by putting their learning into a meaningful context. Research suggests that taking learning outside is good for promoting:

  • Personal and social skills
  • Self-esteem
  • Well-being and health
  • Behaviour
  • Co-operative learning
  • Problem solving.

These skills then feedback positively into classroom work and other settings.

We are therefore dedicated to ensuring our children enjoy regular, quality outdoor learning experiences, with all those delivering sessions trained in Forest Schools. And it is not just our youngest children who benefit, from our Lime Tree Nursery through to Year 6, every child gets to go outside to explore what the outdoor learning environment has to offer.

If you are interested to find out more about the benefits of outdoor learning, the following article might be of interest:  https://www.gov.uk/government/news/englands-largest-outdoor-learning-project-reveals-children-more-motivated-to-learn-when-outside

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