About Our Breakfast Club
During term time, our day begins at 7.30am with our hugely popular Breakfast Club, which we run in conjunction with Dellar Sports Coaching. Each morning, the children enjoy a healthy breakfast and a range of engaging activities. The Club runs until the beginning of the school day at 8.45am, when children are escorted through school to their classrooms.
Breakfast Club costs £3.50 per session, payable in advance. Unfortunately, due to the popularity of the Club, places cannot be reserved without payment.
For those who are eligible, we are registered to receive payments through the Government tax free child care scheme: https://www.gov.uk/tax-free-childcare
If your child requires breakfast, they must have arrived by 8:20 am to be served.
To book a place, please contact Mrs Walter via ClassDojo or at swalter@woodhallprimary.co.uk